Did You Know Gaming discusses everyone’s favorite jump-scare-a-thon


Did you know that the creator of Five Nights at Freddy’s used to be a producer of Christian video games? I certainly didn’t, but now I do thanks to this awesome video from the Did You Know Gaming team that shares some fun trivia surrounding the franchise.

Like it or hate it, “FNAF” has become one of the most significant new franchises in the horror scene, thanks in part to the many Youtubers that shared videos of themselves playing and analyzing the series. While a third game is one the way, I never really expected the DYK Gaming channel to tackle it, since they have never done a video on an indie title before. The guest this time around is Game Theory’s MatPat, who himself has done two videos analyzing the dark past of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.

Horror fans who want to see more from this channel can also check out the team’s videos on Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Castlevania, The Last of Us, and Doom.

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