Decarnation Lets You Dream Of 8-bit Demons In Stylish Reveal Trailer


Atelier QDB and Shiro Unlimited presented their new game, Decarnation, at this year’s PC Gaming Show.

This is what the official description tells us about the game:

Solve cryptic puzzles, fight disturbing enemies, explore a phantasmagorical world of dreams and nightmares, and face the most terrifying monsters from the darkest parts of your soul in Decarnation, a harrowing new game from Atelier QDB and Shiro Unlimited.


  • Adventure horror game with a thrilling story
  • Inner demons
  • Explorable nightmares
  • Metaphorical minigames

The game sports a very stylish 8-bit look, paired up with very intriguing horror imagery that could actually make for a very spooky experience. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing more about this title soon.

Decarnation is set to release on Steam in 2023.

Have a look at the reveal trailer below:

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