Dear Esther: Landmark Edition lands on PlayStation 4


I’m not a PC gamer. So it’s safe to say I’ve been missing out on some great games that exist outside of my PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, especially smaller titles (and lots of horror games). Dear Esther is one such experience I’ve yet to play because of my poorly equipped Macbook that sounds like a plane taking off whenever I try to run any game on it. Thankfully, Dear Esther is now available on PlayStation 4, in the form of its Landmark Edition.

Starting its life out as a Half Life 2 mod, Dear Esther went on to become one of the first games to wrap itself with the “walking simulator” title. In the game’s story of “love, loss, and redemption” players will find themselves stranded on a dream-like island, that now looks even more beautiful thanks to its remastered visuals. As you traverse the island, you’ll be treated to narrated letters coming from a mysterious voice. Aside from the fresh coat of paint, other additions to this version of the game include trophies and a director commentary.

You can check out the game’s launch trailer below!

YouTube video

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