Dead Space live action film is within the realm of possibility

We’ve already been treated to a couple of animated films set in the Dead Space universe, but will we ever be treated to a live-action treatment of the franchise? Well, of course, the question is: When? Luckily for us, Visceral is making sure that development on a live-action adaptation will commence once they find a way, as Visceral Games’ art director Ian Milham states, “to do everything right”. Which is the same mentality they’ve gone with into the development of all the multimedia releases of the horror franchise.

It’s really nice to see a game’s developer really go out of their way to make sure all of their adaptations live up to the expectations fans have from said game(s). I’m sure that Visceral will be able to strike a deal with a solid director and sprout a very faithful script that will turn out to be, hopefully, a superb video-game adaptation. Because seriously, we don’t see those everyday.


It’s really

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