Capcom has announced Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, which based on the images, looks to be a full remake of Dead Rising. No platforms or release dates were announced, although it’s probably safe to assume the game will release on modern consoles and PC.
The announcement was made via a teaser video posted to the Dead Rising YouTube channel. The trailer’s description reads:
Hello? Is this thing on? This is Frank! Frank West! Is anyone out there? Grab your camera and prepare for the big scoop on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Stay tuned for more info soon.
Originally released in 2006, the original Dead Rising follows photojournalist Frank West after he becomes trapped in a zombie infested shopping mall in the town of Willamette, Colorado. As Frank, players must uncover the mystery behind the outbreak, rescue survivors, and document the chaos with his trusty camera, all within a 72 hour time limit.
Here are a few comparison screenshots of the upcoming remaster versus the previously remastered version of the game that was released for PC, Xbox One, PS4 in 2016.
You can watch the teaser trailer for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster below.