‘Dead Rising 2: Off the Record’ is actually a “new game” featuring Frank West

It turns out the earlier rumored, “Dead Rising 2: Off the Record” is something of a remake and a new game itself. Instead of being a GOTY edition of Dead Rising 2, it will be a new story and a remake of Dead Rising 2… Featuring Frank West. New story, expanded areas, lots of fixes, photography, and more feature as some sort of hybrid of a remake of Dead Rising 2 while also being a new game itself. Following the events after Dead Rising 1, we follow Frank to the point of Case West.

It starts off similarly to Dead Rising 2 until it takes a twist to feature Frank West in a wrestling competition. Infected from the first game, he must find and inject himself with Zombrex, take pictures and get the scoop, and go through Fortune City and new areas before and parallel to the events of Dead Rising 2. This makes it some sort of psuedo-Dead Rising 2 remake or alternative featuring Frank West.

For full details, check out the article at Destructoid by clicking here.

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