Since we all love release dates, let’s start things off with just that. Dead Nation’s “Road of Devastation” DLC will be hitting PSN on September 27, for the nice price of $3.99. I say nice, because we are getting quite a good amount of new content with this expansion which directly continues the story where things left off.
Right from the get go, you’ll be faced with a crossroads, with three paths available for you to choose from– each will offer totally new environments, items and even enemies. Yeah, there’s going to be a good dose of variety injected into the Dead Nation experience with this DLC. The new content that’ll carry itself across each of the three paths is a new set of weapons– both actually ones you could wield, and environmental ones like electrical fences which you can activate to fry nearyby foes. As for the actual new weapons you’ll be able to carry, Housemarque has revealed that you’ll have access to industrial saws and a computer-assisted, automated targeting system. The latter will be detailed more thoroughly at a later date.
As for the enemies in this DLC, they’ll come at you in even greater numbers (which is just scary to think about). They’ve grown more aggressive since the end of the main campaign so things are sure to get very, very intense in whatever road you decide to embark on. Hell, now we also have to go up against infected plant life in the form of zombies fused with said infected plants (which can be seen in one of the screens below). We also have one very notable (and frightening) enemy returning from the main game: “Big Mouth.” Big Mouth has received an upgrade in this DLC and now he’s going to be much tougher to take down, with his crazy screaming (leading to the summoning of zombies underneath him) more dangerous than ever.
Stay tuned for more news on “Road of Devastation” as we inch closer to its release on September 27. Also, make sure to check out the just-released screens below.