Dead Island Riptide introduces a fifth survivor

Dead Island Riptide sheds light on a new playable character. There’s no word on who he really is yet, but expect more coverage soon. The more important thing is that if there is another character being announced there could possibly be more in the coming weeks. Riptide is also expected to have a darker story with its vast world having a “natural sense of beauty gone wrong.” It is not Dead island “2” but a spin off that could take the Dead Island name to different areas. Riptide also introduces a flooding system and a weapon system that tracks which weapons the players use and doles out proficiency stats accordingly.

Deep Silvers Creative Director, Sebastian Reichert had this to say regarding Dead Island Riptide:

“In Dead Island the beauty of the island was often created by man – the Beach Resort, Hotel, etc. – and the terror was created by the zombies. This main design theme has changed. Palanai is an island full of natural beauty, for example, wonderful waterfalls, contrasted by natural destruction caused by storms, monsoons and rain. And of course the zombies.”

“Plotwise, ‘darker’ is good description of where we’re heading, but of course we stay bright and beautiful on the outside. We are taking a very special step in this installment and we are looking forward to see how the fans react to it.”


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