Dead Island Riptide gets release date, new character

On the official Dead Island Facebook page, a release date for Dead Island: Riptide has been announced.  The game will be available in North America on April 23, 2013 for PC, Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3.  The rest of the world will have to wait until April 26.

If you pre-order the game, you’ll get access to an exclusive set of weapon mods.  Depending on where exactly you pre-order the game from, you can also snag yourself an alternate character skin.  Pre-ordering in the US through Amazon, GameStop and Best Buy will also net you a rather nice-looking steelbook.

In addition to taking place on the new island of Palanai, Riptide will also feature a brand new character.  Inspired in part by the awesome Fist of the Dead Star video, John Morgan is a master of hand-t0-hand combat and an expert martial-artist.  John is a US Navy cook, who probably is going to go vegan after facing off against the undead with the other four survivors.

John will be a selectable character from the beginning of the game, however co-op is still limited to just four players.  So…someone’s getting left behind here.

According to Deep Silver, the character of John Morgan is not exactly like the character in the video, because that would just be (hilariously) ridiculous.

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