Dead by Daylight Reveals Ada, Rebecca, and Albert Wesker DLC


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Dead by Daylight has unveiled the newest DLC chapter in full, the previously announced Resident Evil: Project W. Their first-ever follow-up collaboration with the same IP, Resident Evil: Project W has wonderfully turned out to be exactly what leaks and speculation had pegged it to be: the return of fan favorites Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers as the new Survivors, and the devious Albert Wesker as the Killer. While we still have yet to see gameplay, Dead by Daylight developer BeHaviour Interactive showed off an all-new, pre-rendered cinematic trailer for the DLC featuring the three characters as well as an apparently still alive Meg Thomas. Check it out:

As per his own announcement, DC Douglas is indeed retired as Albert Wesker and a new voice performer has stepped into the role. We don’t know who this is yet, although I’m already enjoying his performance; this new Wesker feels closer to Richard Waugh (Wesker in most appearances between 2000 and 2005), who based his performance on George Sanders’ Shere Khan from The Jungle Book. A sort of educated drawl marks this new chapter for the character, and I’m really into it.

As for the rest of the cast, Rebecca and Ada are both mute in this trailer (as is the case with all Dead by Daylight survivors), and all three of them are based on their most recent designs: Rebecca and Wesker sport their Resident Evil 5 looks, while Ada is based on her Resident Evil 2 Remake design. Still no word on their perks besides a few vague descriptions from the BeHavior Beyond Showcase stream, but if you’re willing to go into the realm of leaks and speculation, the Dead by Daylight leaks Twitter page has the down-low for you:

Along with this, it’s also been confirmed that the controversial R.P.D. map has been downscaled after player feedback that it was a bit too gargantuan. Now the map has been split into two different iterations, one based on the west wing of the RPD, the other based on the east. The two will both share the RPD Front Hall area, and have expanded outdoor sections and more holes blown through walls for quicker navigation. Leaks also seem to show that some areas have been locked off now, such as the balcony in the west wing library.

That’s all for now, but the PTB for Dead By Daylight – Resident Evil: Project W will be released on PC soon, and a release date for the full DLC is forthcoming.

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