Dead by Daylight: New Resident Evil Chapter On The Way

It’s been almost a year since the (extremely disastrous) release of Dead by Daylight’s Chapter 20: Resident Evil, which added Leon, Jill, (Chris and Claire with extremely overpriced skins) as new Survivors, and Nemesis as a new Killer, along with a map based on Resident Evil 2 Remake‘s R.P.D.. Fast forward to today, and during a special 6th-anniversary stream for Dead by Daylight that showed off the new and upcoming chapter Roots of Dread, along with the bizarro spin-off dating sim Hooked on You, they also shadow dropped that a new Resident Evil chapter was coming “later this year”.

YouTube video

Titled Resident Evil: Project W, there isn’t much to go off of with this new DLC… unless you know your Resident Evil history and have been paying attention to the rumor mill lately. This reveal follows up almost immediately on a leak from a few days ago that purported to spill the beans on a new Resident Evil chapter being added to Dead by Daylight, one that would be including franchise villain Albert Wesker as the new killer, and series stars Rebecca Chambers and Ada Wong as the new survivors. Project W, a direct reference to the in-universe Umbrella gene therapy and cloning program that lead to Albert and Alex Wesker’s births, along with the imagery of this brief teaser mimicking Wesker’s habit of watching the action (from the previous Dead by Daylight RE trailer) from afar via satellite imagery, seemingly confirms this rumor.

It’ll probably be at least a little while longer before we hear more about this, but I gotta say — adding in my babe Rebecca might just be enough to get me crawling back to this game. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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