Daymare: 1998 Console Release Details Confirmed

Daymare Console

Invader Studios has finally confirmed the console release date for their award-winning Resident Evil-inspired survival horror throwback hit from 2019, Daymare: 1998. Fans have begged Invader on social media for this info for many weeks since the console version for Japan was confirmed in December of last year.

The official date for European and American markets is April 28, 2020, and the game will launch with physical and digital versions on PS4 and a digital-only release on Xbox One. They’ve also included some exclusive new screenshots of the game running on PlayStation 4 hardware, and claimed they’ve worked closely with the studio porting the game to make sure none of the experience was lost in the transition between PC and consoles.

The game snagged IndieDB’s Indie of the Year award and launched to quite positive reviews on Steam last September, as horror fans have shared their experiences since its release. We also gave a solid review for Daymare back when it came out, and everything suggests that the updates released for it after launch have vastly improved the game since then.

You can also check out the original trailer for Daymare here if you aren’t familiar with the game yet, to see it in action. Get your consoles ready to fire up some classic survival horror in April!

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