Darkwood’s interactive trailer is freaky and fun


I’ve seen less than five minutes total on this game and I already need to get my hands on it. Darkwood appears to be a top-down survival horror game with psychological elements and an emphasis on a fight-or-flight mechanic. Excellent.

Partway through the trailer, you’ll be able to choose (via Youtube annotations) which way a certain scenario proceeds, both paths leading into separate continuation videos!

YouTube video

Notice how the flashlight is necessary to seeing just about anything. Characters and creatures are completely invisible when not within the characters cone. When it came to make a choice of which path I wanted to take in the trailer, I chose fight.

After the protagonist had dealt with the beast, it dropped a locket, which I believe harkened back to the words it was using during the battle, such as ‘for my girls’, ‘a red swing’, etc. Then, some kind of wolf-man appeared and did business with the player, offering advice and trading goods. You can easily tell the game is going for a deep, explorative experience.

Darkwood releases on Steam on July 24 on Early Access for PC, Max, and Linux.


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