Dark Souls – The Board Game Kickstarter funded almost immediately


A little earlier this week, tabletop developers Steamforged Games launched their Kickstarter for Dark Souls – The Board Game. Within the first few hours, the game met their initial funding as well as burst through the first couple of stretch goals. They are now sitting at over a million dollars versus their modest $70K starting level.

YouTube video

The goal of the game has players (single or co-op) moving through randomly changing dungeons to defeat the main boss encounters within. Like the games they are based off of, you have to balance risk and reward while attacking or else you can take enough damage to die instantly. Other features that mimic the source material include recovering at a “bonfire” at the expensive of reseting progress (thus loading new areas), and bosses have stages to them that change their tactics.

YouTube video

Aside from a (quickly vanished) Early-Backer tier, the campaign only has two levels to support: A standard backer tier that gives you the game itself and the stretch goals, as well as a retailer version that offers six copies of the core game (meant to be sold off for profit). The base game is over 100 USD, but comes with over 100 game tokens representing enemies and classes from the franchise. As stated, all reached stretch goals will be given to backers for free as an incentive for support. The campaign still has several weeks before it’s over if you’d like to pledge. It currently has a April 2017 release window with backers at the Retailer level getting their shipments early in advance of regular production.

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