Dark Souls III’s digital pre-order bonuses revealed


There’s not that long of a wait left for Dark Souls III. The game will be launching on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 12. And if you’re pre-ordering the game digitally, you’re gonna have some nice goodies to go along with it.

Pre-ordering it on the Xbox Store will get you the original Dark Souls. If you do, you could play it now for Xbox 360 and later on for Xbox One once it becomes backwards compatible. Pre-ordering it on the PlayStation Store will get you an exclusive theme and access to the game’s soundtrack when it comes out on April 12. Lastly, pre-ordering on Steam will get you the soundtrack as well, and a $5 discount towards the game if you already own Dark Souls and Dark Souls II in your library.

But wait! There’s more. The game is also getting a digital Deluxe Edition. Pre-ordering that will get you all of the above (on its respective platforms), an additional theme for PlayStation 4, and access to the season pass.

Are you pre-ordering?

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