Dark Souls II Lighting Comparison Revealed, Fans A Little Upset


I’ve played about ten hours of Dark Souls II. I’m really enjoying the game, but here and there I’m finding small issues that are bugging me. So far, I feel the first Dark Souls was a better game, but I’ll wait until my full review to discuss that. As of right now, however, my biggest issue is the friggin’ lighting and textures in this game. Youtuber HyperBitHero has posted a comparison video of the lighting in the game footage from April of last year to the final release. Check out the video below.

Quite noticeably, entire areas look completely different, some previously being made of stone covered in the beautiful sun, and now they’re covered in not-so beautiful moss/grass textures with lighting that just seems to lightly blanket the area. In a lower area filled with giant reptilian beasts, huge columns of fire shoot out of the ground. The fire is beautiful in the pre-release footage, pixelated and atrocious in the release version. I really noticed in the video when both characters light the bonfire beneath the statue; pay close attention to the light on the statue and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

What do you guys think of the lighting changes in the game? Feel false advertised to? I certainly do. Leave your comments below.

I’m playing the PS3 version right now and this video was recorded using the PS3 version. No word on whether or not the PC version will reflect the consoles or pre-release footage. Namco Bandai nor From Software have yet to comment on this topic.


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