Dark Souls Gets a Massive 4K Texture Mod

Dark Souls 4K

Just in case the recent remaster of Dark Souls didn’t make the game look pretty enough, modder Evie Schwab has just released a new version of his HD texture pack that now includes 100 new 4k textures, making a grand total of 600 HD textures. These textures cover all of the Height Maps, NMaps, and the Albedo Textures, almost everything that the player will be able to see.

In the description, Evie states that all of the textures have been made entirely from scratch without any upscaling or sharpening filters, which is a rather impressive feat. Evie also has plenty of other mods that improve facial textures and menu icons, all of which can be found here.

If your PC can handle the mod, definitely check out the official page (you will need a Nexus account to download the files). You can check the showcase of screenshots below.

YouTube video

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