Crowdfunding Roundup Week of 7/3-7/9

Crowdfunding Correct

Welcome to another week of the Crowdfunding Roundup, where we bring you all of the latest and greatest crowdfunding campaigns in horror videogaming. This week will be short and sweet, sticking to updates on campaigns we covered last week. The Crowdfunding Roundup will be on vacation until August 3rd. System Shock updates will continue on the site, and any interesting campaigns can still be forwarded to our Twitter, Facebook, and email. Without further ado, our recap of July 3rd through 9th begins below.

Completed Campaigns


Dwindle didn’t meet its funding goal, but Rabid Troll still has every intention of completing development and releasing the game. In their words:

We want to thank each and every one of you for supporting our Kickstarter and spreading the word of our game! It means a lot to us that we were able to raise $12,000 for our game. Unfortunately, we did not make our goal so we will not be receiving the raised Kickstarter amount to support our developers. We have not lost our momentum and passion for this game though! We believe this game will be a unique experience that everyone will love!

We will still release!

After seeing the great support on Kickstarter, Greenlight, Youtube, and from game review articles, we know that we have a great backing for our game. We will continue development and release the game on Steam as soon as we believe the game is perfect!

Become a Dwindle Beta Tester

For supporting us in the Kickstarter, anyone who has donated at the Backer tier or higher will be able to test the Beta version of our game in a month.

If you are interested in testing, please send an email to with your full name, age, and email.

With Love,

The Dwindle Development Team

Nyctophobia: Amelia’s Dream

Nyctophobia: Amelia’s Dream has less than three days to raise the remaining $1,400 of their goal, which doesn’t seem likely for the small indie team. Their game seems like a good pitch, but has not had the social media presence that such an unknown developer needs to find backers. There is no info on how this might move forward, but I will check back in on it in August.

Undone: Project Nightmare

Undone: Project Nightmare seems like it may fail, having 48 hours left in the campaign and no new backers since the last weekly roundup. The game is Greenlit and has good reviews on Gamejolt, so I imagine we will see it hitting Steam regardless of the campaign outcome. We will take another look at this when I come back, and see what they developers have decided.

The Last Weekend

The Last Weekend raised $0 of its goals and has had no further updates to the IndieGoGo page. It looked like an interesting visual novel along the lines of American slasher films, but there has not been any action on it.


Aik isn’t looking too promising, either. It has 66 hours and a $7,500 deficit in the campaign. This game is moody and unusual, but suffered in the summer slump. I am hoping to see the developer bring this one back in a longer campaign or to Steam Early Access in the future, because it feels so unique. We will check on it in August and see what the next step is for the little mandrake that could.

Ongoing Campaigns

System Shock

System Shock is fully funded. The team has extended their sincere thanks, and have been busy keeping the official Reddit thread updated. We’ve learned a little more about the future of the game. First and foremost, the puzzles will be optionally harder in the full game than they are in the demo. The intent with demo puzzles was to allow all players to progress through the entire demo. The team have also confirmed that they plan to bring System Shock to both Oculus and Vive for VR support, so long as nothing comes up in development that prevents that. They will not be finalizing the decision to build on Unity’s engine until after the Kickstarter, and changing engines always carries the potential of changing support.

System Shock is definitely built for Windows support, with performance options that should allow computers 4-6 years old to run it without issue so long as they are running Windows 7 or higher. Demos have been added for Mac and Linux users, with the caveat that demo availability is not indicative of full game support on those platforms. Nightdive is also contemplating a “Classic Mode” to be included with the game as a bit of nostaglia, depending on supportfrom the community. So far, it seems as though community support is not something System Shock has been lacking.

Indigo Park

Indigo Park

Indigo Park has two weeks left in its campaign, and needs to gather up all but $65 of its $3,000 goal. This game looks like a fun little mix between Silent Hill and The Witch’s House, but doesn’t have the social following of either. If there is any component of a campaign that absolutely cannot be overlooked, it is social media presence. I’ve seen awful games get funding and great games go unnoticed for that reason, and I am almost certain that this is what is keeping Indigo Park from finding backers. If you like this game, tweet about it so others see it.

Skynet Rising

Skynet Rising has a month left in their campaign, and has still raised $0 of their $50,000 flexible goal. The game is an action-packed jaunt through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, complete with weapons galore and skill upgrades to match. The team of developers built their own engine to create the game, which represents a large risk in itself. It is difficult for developers to complete games to expectations on existing, tested engines. To take on an engine build on top of the game represents a higher degree of difficulty. The group have managed to make that work and are prepared to launch Skynet Rising this December. With the game this deep into development, I am sure this game will see launch regardless of the outcome.

Other News In Crowdfunding

Lovecraft Tales

Lovecraft Tales will be launching their Kickstarter campaign on July 25th. The game is a point-and-click roleplaying take on Lovecraft’s mythos, with interesting mechanics and hand drawn art. We’ve covered the game a few times as an upcoming campaign and a Greenlight candidate, so it is nice to finally get to see the campaign get started.

That’s it for this week, and for the remainder of July. Enjoy your midsummer, and we will pick back up with Crowdfunding Roundup on August 3rd.

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