Cradle of Links Infests Steam Greenlight

RELOADWORLD studio recently announced a new VR horror title: Cradle of Links, which they are currently hoping to push through greenlight. Set in 1860’s Britain, it throws the player into a quarantined zone in the aftermath of a plague. The translations are currently a bit sketchy, but RELOADWORLD claim the game features fluid, unrestricted movement, realistic firearms, an intriguing body-swapping mechanic, puzzles and problems to overcome, and battles against 9 enemies – some of which are the servants of something called the Roy’s Mind.

A trailer approaches. Do not try to run, it will still catch you.

I’m very interested in playing a slower paced action VR horror game; we’ve seen a lot of arcade-style titles so far. There are some intriguing VR horror games coming along, though, and Cradle of Links is among them. While a lot of the content in the trailer still looks quite rough, there’s a lot of potential there. The enemy reactions in combat in particular look quite interesting. There’s little to indicate what kind of atmosphere and tone we can expect, so lets hope they end up hitting us with a solid story. More details are available on their greenlight page.

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