Corpse Party: Book of Shadows releases January 15th

In a very sudden but pleasantly surprising turn of events, today Sony and XSEED games announced that Corpse Party: Book of Shadows will finally be released in North America. Better yet, the release is isn’t far off at all, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows will be released on the North American Playstation store for both PSP and Vita owners on January 15th, 2013 for digital download.

So only a week from today, North American PSP and Vita owners will be able to download this follow up to the cult classic Corpse Party. A European release date has not yet been confirmed, with the Official Playstation blog only commenting that the European release will follow shortly after the NA release.

If you haven’t played the original game and own either a PSP or Vita, do yourself a huge favour and download it off of PSN as soon as possible, you wont regret it. It’s one of the most bizarre and memorable horror games to come out in recent memory. Then make sure you’re all caught up with the rest of us for the release of Corpse Party: Book of Shadows next Tuesday!


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