Contest: Silent Hill Book of Memories Giveaway

Want to win a free digital copy of Silent Hill Book of Memories? Well, you’ve found the right place! You can win yourself a copy of the Silent Hill spin-off for the Playstation Vita, in a few easy steps.

How to enter

Step 1: Think of your fondest Silent Hill memory. Your story can be from either your time with the games, a personal anecdote that reminds you of Silent Hill, or even a Silent Hill dream that you have had. The winner will be chosen randomly, although I encourage entertaining material from you fine folks!

Step 2: See Step 1? You’re going to be writing that down in the comment section.

Step 3 (When Commenting):  Comment below using an email address that can be contacted (we need to be able to reach you!). Simply use your preferred email for contact. You do NOT need to publicly display your email address if you’re using it to leave a comment.

If you comment with a Facebook or Twitter profile, make sure you can receive messages from non-friends. If commenting with a Twitter profile, be sure to follow me (@Arsenic13) so I can send you a DM if you win.

The code for the game will be U.S. only. This means that you will need a U.S. PSN account on your PlayStation Vita to be able to redeem the game. It won’t work otherwise.

The contest will end on Saturday, October 20th at 10PM EST.

Update: IndubitablyRong is the winner. He or she has until Wednesday to claim the prize!

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