Check out RE7 Running on Xbox One X

Now that’s a difference.

While Resident Evil 7′s amazing RE Engine is nothing to scoff at, creating some of the best fully 3D visuals in the series to date, it was a bit of an issue on launch day how clearly outclassed the Xbox One and PS4 were. RE7 had a lot of texture pop in and general blurriness despite how impressive the models and details themselves were. While RE7 did look slightly improved by playing on a PlayStation 4 Pro, nothing on console ever really came close to the sharpness of playing on PC (but then, what does, generally speaking).

Well, it looks like people who shelled out for Microsoft’s powerful Xbox One X system will be able to finally experience RE7 in it’s intended glory, with an upcoming X update. A trailer released on RE’s Japan YouTube channel shows off a direct comparison, and I’m honestly amazed at the improvement. What I had honestly (in some cases) taken for a stylistic choice with the depth of field turns out to have  just been RE7 being a little too beefy for consoles. The new update looks gorgeous and sharp, and even the smallest details have received an upgrade (here’s hoping that can of MEAT can become a meme like Silent Hill 3 HD‘s BREAD). You can check out the trailer below, and hopefully we’ll hear about the release date for the patch soon.

YouTube video

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