Check out the first episode of Castlevania: Hymn of Blood

We still don’t have a live-action Castlevania film. So what can us ‘vaniacs settle for? Well, leave it to other die-hard fans to put together a live-action series celebrating the storied franchise! This fan-made, live-action ‘vania series is titled “Hymn of Blood” and the first episode is now out thanks to IGN’s START video channel on Youtube. This should not be ignored.

For something fan-made, the production quality here is pretty incredible. I don’t really like how Dracula looks like here, but that’s just a small issue, and my only one. Despite that, everything else was awesome to see, and makes me want a live-action film even more.

Creepy Castle? Check. Baby Simon Belmont? Check. Hell, they even have the ferryman (pictured above)! I can’t wait to see the upcoming episodes, especially after seeing the mini-trailer at the end. Gotta whip it good.

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