I know the hype is swirling the internet and as always we are excited to show anything new about Castlevania! Here are the latest screens from Nintendo Power Magazine (thank you CastlevaniaDungeon.net for the scans!)
Here’s the first batch of gameplay shots and scenery concept artwork. The detail is exceptional and the colors are vibrant. Also the action shots look pretty engaging and exciting!
We see our friend encounter some interesting enemies, perhaps new to the series. One is a dark -almost executioner style- baddy, while the other seems like our beloved skeleton warriors from past titles. Also take note some high-flying chandelier-hopping fun!
Below are two amazing concept art pieces for the game. The darkness of Lords of Shadow seeps through in these pieces, yet they lend a hand to their 3DS platform in a simple yet elegant fashion.
Once again, these images are from Nintendo Power Magazine and a special thanks must be given to Castlevaniadungeon.net for the scans. Keep checking back for more updates!