You know a game is attempting to appeal to a specific audience when it’s right there in the Kickstarter page title. Creazn Studio hopes to pick your nostalgia bone with I-nfected, an old-school survival horror title.
A virus has spread across North America, and all you know is that you’ve got it. The virus slowly turns people into zombies – a fate you’ll inevitably face if you don’t do something about it. Your job now is to retrieve samples of an antivirus that was left behind by rescue teams for the military. You’ll do this in exchange for your own extraction from one of the infected areas.
I-nfected looks to take a few cues from Resident Evil: Outbreak with multiplayer co-op, separate playable characters with different skills and abilities and the infection meter. Your character will slowly become a zombie and as the meter fills, their aiming and movement will become impaired until they are eventually a walking corpse.
The most intriguing part about I-nfected is that everything is randomly generated. Item placement, zombies, maps, all randomly generated. This will no doubt result in tons of replay value.
If I-nfected looks interesting to you, you can head over to the Steam Greenlight page and give them a vote. If the game sounds like something you’re interested in backing, head on over to the Kickstarter page and show them some love. There are still 17 days to go, and the team has only reached $1,506 of their $35,000 goal.