One thing that’s becoming a constant in bigger video games is the tremendous amounts of dialogue. Even Resident Evil is getting more and more talky, what with RE6‘s 4 and something hours of cutscenes, or games dialogue trees like Mass Effect. David Cage, Quantic Dream’s leading man on their latest interactive cinematic experience, Beyond: Two Souls, is rather proud of his game’s thick script. CNET’s Dan Ackerman was a lucky recipient to the script for Beyond–well, not the actual script but a representation of how many pages it will be. Uh, OK.
The thing is massive, and is possibly being shipped out to a select few because the game is to be featured at Tribeca Film Festival. Hopefully there’s a good story in that bulging tower of paper and it’s not just padded to hell. Why Sony sent out several pounds of blank pages is beyond me (get it!?). Way to show care for Mother Earth, meanies.