Check out almost 10 minutes of Killer 7 HD

Killer 7, easily one of the best games from gaming mastermind Suda 51 (well, at least my favorite), is finally getting a second chance this fall as it comes to PC for the first time. Game Informer, who recently played through the original PS2 release, got to sit down with some gameplay video from the new release. While there have been some remasters overhaul games like Resident Evil 0 or Batman: Return to Asylum (where the visuals are noticeably changed from their original release), this isn’t quite that extreme. More in line with up-rezed port releases like Metal Gear Solid HD Collection or Resident Evil REmake, Killer 7 is the same game from 2005, just sharper.

Unfortunately, it does look like the anime cutscenes (which are admittedly sparse) haven’t recieved any work at all, and are still locked at 480p. Luckily, gameplay and in-engine will be fully 1080, 60fps. I’m actually pretty glad that the cell-shaded look hasn’t been messed around with (like Zelda: The Windwaker HD, which has an ugly bloom effect added). The game has such a specifically crafted look, and honestly all I really want out of this is the chance for more people to experience it as it was. On the side of making it more accessible, the notoriously unreadable text (which had a wobbly effect to it) has been tweaked just slightly to wobble a little slower, making it easier to read.

Killer 7 launches on Steam sometime this fall. I want it now, of course. But it comes out sometime this fall.

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