Speaking with IGN, Atlus’s own Tim Pivnicny, VP of Sales and Marketing, revealed that Catherine was the company’s biggest launch title.
“It released last week to tremendous critical acclaim and fan response, bolstered by the release of a demo a couple weeks prior, and continues to generate discussion among fans for its mature themes, engrossing subject matter, and frantic, challenging gameplay.” states Pivnicny.
This is great news for Atlus, and perhaps gamers as well. Quirky titles often get the short end of the stick at retail, and that leads publishers to pursue safer options. Shadows of the Damned is a prime example of an interesting title suffering low sales.
What sets these two apart may be marketing. Catherine has had a huge buzz even before it was localized for English speaking countries. Funny, provocative, and weird marketing led gamers to give the title some attention. Being a great game didn’t hurt either.
Congratulations, Atlus. You guys know what makes a good game.