Castlevania: Mirror of Faith rumored for E3 reveal

It’s that time of year again. E3 is just a few weeks away and as is the case every year, I’m always looking forward to a new Castlevania game to be revealed at the show! Last year was my first E3 and I was blooming with excitement about getting my hands on a brand new ‘vania title. But…that didn’t end up happening, despite 2011 being the year the series celebrated its big 25th anniversary. But things are looking up, and E3 2012 looks like it’s going to give us ‘vaniacs a new entry in the storied franchise to desperately anticipate.

According to Dutch Nintendo-centric site N1ntendo (hehe), Konami has included Castlevania: Mirror of Faith in their E3 appointment schedule. The game is also listed as being a 3DS exclusive. No details pertaining to gameplay or even visual style were given, but the game will be headed by Dave Cox of Lords of Shadow fame and said game’s writer/director, Enric Alvarez. So, with Mercury Steam being involved, could this be a Lords of Shadow follow-up of some sort?

I have some theories to share, so stay tuned for an upcoming article full of Mirror of Faith speculation. Ah, it feels good to have a Castlevania game to look forward to again.

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