Caffeine Moves to Unreal Engine 4, Launches on IndieGoGo

Dylan Browne’s Caffeine is a horror game with an odd premise. Based in a world where caffeine is an extremely valuable and dwindling resource, and sought out by companies in mining outposts in space, the pursuit for the delicious drug puts a young boy in an abandoned mining station. The game is combat free and designed as a psychological horror game in the vein of Condemned and FEAR.

Browne has announced today that he has moved development of the game from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4. This move will no doubt allow Browne to make the futuristic-looking environments of his game even more impressive.  The embedded trailer below gives us a look at the game in the new engine.

Caffeine’s IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign has also launched, with a goal of $80,000.

With Caffeine, Routine, SOMA, and Alien: Isolation, it looks like we’re going to be well-stocked with sci-fi horror games; that makes me happy.


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