It’s finally here. The solution to all of the world’s problems, the answer to life itself: Techland has added an option to disable Chromatic Aberration in Dying Light. Via its v1.11.1 patch released today (oddly 900mb in size), the option to toggle the effect has been added, over a year after the game’s initial release.
For those who may not know, Chromatic Aberration is a visual effect found in some games to add a “cinematic” effect to them. The result is an unfocused representation of color in an image. You can point it out by seeing whether or not a line in a game has a faint blue-red outline. It’s kind of awful and contributes (in my case) to some eye strain and sometimes nausea when playing a game with it. It took me some time to get used to it in Dying Light, and more recently I had to turn it off in Layers of Fear and The Division; it’s just uncomfortable. See a compassion below.
My level of excitement for this option is facetious, but I figured I’d air my complaints for the visual effect in some capacity. Developers, if you’re going to put the setting in your game for artistic reasons, please give players an option to turn it off. Thanks.