Breakdown of the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow ‘Resurrection’ screens

Today was the day many ‘vania fans were greatly anticipating. We finally got the official release date we’ve all been asking for since the initial delay for the ‘Resurrection’ DLC. And we don’t have to wait long for it to come out either. ‘Resurrection’ will be hitting Xbox Live on June 7th and PSN on the 14th just one week later, a small delay due to the Playstation Store catching up to speed in terms of releases. Not only that, but we also got a batch of images today and, yes, we’re going to be analyzing them.

Here’s the first image. And, yes, this particular one was already previously released back when ‘Reverie’ information started to surface but, regardless, it’s still worth noting. Especially because now, after the events of ‘Reverie’, we have a better idea of how this scene may play out and what it will entail.

As we know, Laura sacrificed herself for the sake of Gabriel and his quest (what a surprise). With that act, Gabriel is now even more fueled with guilt and thus the darkness within him continues to grow. And what more, he now possesses vampiric powers, putting him one step closer to his ultimate fate as the Prince of Darkness. So, what exactly will this scene be? I think this will take place at the end of ‘Resurrection’ after the big battle against the Forgotten One is all said and done, and, of course, after we find out the ultimate fate of the Belmont clan. Gabriel will possibly find a proper burial spot for Laura and thus this pictured scene will take place, with him paying respects to the one who led him to his current state. It’ll be reminiscent to the scene after Gabriel kills the Black Knight and is seen walking away from the spot Claudia was buried in.

On to the next one and this image is truly downright epic. Here we get a look at the newly designed Forgotten One, who’s aesthetics drastically differ from his appearance in Lament of Innocence. His design reminds me of the one used for Pan’s Sliver Warrior form. And this image also paints the Forgotten One as a titan, albeit a smaller one when compared to the game’s other massive beasts, as opposed to what people are currently saying in various forums.

This image also gives us an indication of where the battle may end up going. We all know that when Gabriel first encounters this demon he’ll be in his confinement set by the founders of the Brotherhood of Light. But the actual fight may end up taking Gabriel to the very depths of the castle itself, perhaps even hell itself. Or the flames surrounding both Gabriel and the Forgotten One may just be for artistic purposes. Regardless, the scale of this battle is beautifully depicted here.

Once again we’re shown the confrontation between Gabriel and the Forgotten One, most likely in its beginning stages. And once again we see the scale of the battle and the boss himself. As aforementioned, the Forgotten One will be a titan on a bit smaller scale than the ones in the main game. This would provide for a nice mix of gameplay, being able to battle  the Forgotten One while on the ground and then scaling him to deal deadly blows. QTEs may also come into play making the fight a multi-stage affair.

Here’s another look at Gabriel in action, this time against the skeleton warriors from the main game. And once again this looks like it’s deep within the castle or a hell-like locale, especially because of the flames surrounding the enemies. But the question is, will this be before or after the fight against the Forgotten One.

It’s quite simply tradition to leave the big baddie till the end of the experience, which in this case is the Forgotten One, but judging by the end of ‘Reverie’ Gabriel will be facing this demon right from the start of ‘Resurrection’ unless, of course, he runs into some diversions along the way. Perhaps we could end up fighting the Forgotten One right from the beginning and then end up deep within the castle with the sole mission being to escape. We’ll find out next week.

Nothing too revealing here other than a crystal-clear look at the Forgotten One. Here we get a better look at his new armored look. We also get to see his left arm glowing green, possibly about to cast a magic spell on Gabriel. Or, this could be the result after Gabriel rips off the plating over his arm and exposes it to further damage with his combat cross. That actually may be how the fight may play out. Keep weakening the demon until you can get close enough to rip off pieces of his armor, leaving him vulnerable to deadly blows. Looking at his arm also reminds me of Gabriel’s gauntlet he acquired from the Black Knight, so maybe the Forgotten One has his own in order to match Gabriel’s power.

Here we have an awesome shot of Gabriel, possibly right before or after he finishes off the Forgotten One. One thing to note here is his apparent white hair, but that could just be the result of the image’s lighting. We already know that Gabriel is gonna get one step closer to becoming Dracula so this image could be portraying him as such, and if so then this has to be after he’s already given the Forgotten One a new asshole.

In this image we have a beautiful shot of Gabriel vs. the Forgotten One. It looks like the demon has a whip-like weapon of his own, which is about to crash down on Gabriel. Also worth noting is that the aforementioned green glow that was previously seen  on his arm is instead around his right shoulder here. The removal of that shoulder’s plating perhaps or maybe it’s just indicating his charge attack on Gabriel.

This image also confirms the notion that the Forgotten One will in fact be something akin to a titan fight in the main game. I mean, just look at how he towers over Gabriel!

Here it looks like the Forgotten One is casting some sort of spell. Or possibly even casting Gabriel out of his confined chamber. Perhaps this epic boss battle will consist of two confrontations, one right in the beginning and the other right after Gabriel gets cast out of the Forgotten One’s chamber and fights his way back. Either way, this image is quite interesting as we can’t really make out Gabriel in it.

This image, besides being extremely avatar-friendly, depicts Gabriel at a state in which he’s consumed by the darkness brewing within him. We’ve already seen another image, which is David Cox’s profile image on his Twitter, that shows off Gabriel in a similar manner. It’s clear here that we’ll be getting a look at what Gabriel will ultimately become.



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