Bloodstained: ROTN Out Now, Check out Launch Trailer

Ah, what a lovely night for a curse! Koji Igarashi’s Castlevania but not Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is finally here for us to snap up with our whip! I’ve been looking forward to this for a while, having only just discovered the joys of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night a few years ago, and immediately becoming depressed because… you know… Konami. Well, Bloodstained is here now, and it’s even got a fancy launch trailer to check out!

So uh, yeah. Shovel Knight is in it, which makes me need it even more. Can’t love Igarashi enough here, I’ve loved how much he’s been playing it up for the camera in these trailers. We’ll trying to get a review to you as soon as we can, I can’t wait to jump right in.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is out now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, (it was going to be on Vita as well but sadly it looks like the little guy is on its way out) and Steam for $39.99 — and if you jump on the Steam version right now it’s 10% off! There’s also the “Iga’s Backpack” DLC, which ads in a Swordwhip weapon as well as Iga himself to face off with as part of a special boss battle. They also included a little dig at… not naming any names… some faceless corporation in the description of that DLC: “Also just FYI, we didn’t want to do day-1 DLC but Kickstarter crowdfunding backers paid extra to make this content happen, so we couldn’t include it for free, we promise we’re not going to turn into ‘corporate commander’… ;)”. I think I’m gonna go buy this game right now. See you again in a bit.

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