Bloodlines 2: New Main Theme Revealed

We’ve talked about it before, but of all the things that help the original VTM: Bloodlines hold together all these years later, it’s the music. A dark, seedy, and very 2000s blanket of gothic sexuality and urban decay, the original score by Rick Schaffer (along with a number of licensed tracks) was the icing on the cake. When we heard that Schaffer was returning for the sequel, you can understand how incredibly hyped that made us. With the original writer returning, this addition cinched the idea that Paradox Entertainment really knew what they were doing — and were dedicated to doing a true sequel to Bloodlines justice. We’ve only heard a few seconds at a time so far, and that’s assuming that the music used in the clan reveals and announcement trailer is actually by him and from the game. Thanks to their recent streams showing off each clan reveal, we have our first, presumably full, track from the game — the main theme.

If you’re familiar with the original Bloodlines, this track is instantly recognizable as a remix of the original main menu theme, a track that greets you every single time you boot up the game.

Man, just hearing this new version makes me want to whip out a leather coat and pop some post-sundown shades on my face. A notable classiness and maturity brought to the original track with a more complex arrangement feel fitting given the time passed and sequel status. It’s clear that Schaffer, who really hasn’t done a whole lot in the years since the original Bloodlines, has still got it. I simply cannot wait to hear more and luckily just pre-ordering the game nets you the digital soundtrack. I’m still hoping that Chiasm’s Isolated makes a return as well, or perhaps Transparent (a track that’s effectively a sequel to Isolated) makes it in, but obviously, that has nothing to do with Schaffer.

Vampire – The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 releases Q1 2020 across PC (Steam/Epic Games Store/GOG/etc), PS4, and XBO. Look forward to more information as it becomes available!

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