Blizzcon 2016: Diablo 1 Announced for Diablo 3; Necromancer Class Revealed

Blizzard just announced a brand new entry in the Diablo series: Diablo 1. Yep, that’s right, the original Diablo is being remade and added into Diablo 3 as an anniversary event. A multi-floor dungeon, the original bosses, 8-direction character movement and retro visuals will be part of the event, mimicking the look and feel of the original Diablo. The content will be free and available in the PTR as soon as next week.

In addition, the Necromancer class is returning, being added into Diablo 3 as paid DLC. As expected, he or she will have a load of new skills, items and weapons. As someone that played Diablo 2 exclusively as the Necromancer, I’m excited.

No expansion. No sequel. Are you still excited about these Diablo 3 reveals?

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