Blacksoul might switch over to Early Access (Update: It Has)

Blacksoul hug

BlackSoul: Extended Edition is a survival horror game similar to the old Resident Evil titles, but with its setting moved to England, that recently released on Steam. Regrettably, the game appears to have a few problems, so developer XeniosVision is considering a switch to Steam’s Early Access program.

XeniosVision informed us of this new strategy last night and included a list of issues they intend to fix:

1. remove most of the loading screens
2. enhance textures
3. make better animations
4. add gamepad support
5. enhance UI ( menu and inventory )

Judging by the most popular user reviews on Steam, this list covers the most prominent issues that players are currently experiencing, minus the driver-related problems that have already been fixed. If BlackSoul does switch over to Early Access, then this means the game will still be on sale, but will be clearly marked as a work-in-progress that is open to community feedback.

Update: BlackSoul has now been changed to an Early Access title on Steam.

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