Update: I have been informed by my dear Twitter that this is not new DLC, as Sony seemingly is making it sound as, but just a purchasable version of the pre-order content that was available at launch. My reaction remains the same.
Beyond: Two Souls is a videogame about Ellen Page looking like Ellen Page a lot during different times of her life. Well, Quantic Dream and Sony just announced a whole new set of DLC for the hit videogame. The game is most well-known for cinematic story-telling and relying on movie techniques to offer a different videogame experience from other games. Advanced Experiments, the DLC, is a Portal-esque training facility.
What follows is the trailer along with my immediate reaction, enjoy:

The Advanced Experiments DLC is available for $4.99 on PlayStation Store now and offers 30 minutes of new gameplay.
*suppressed laughter* This looks so dumb.