Most people would probably tend to agree that PC gaming just has that extra bit of “oomph” that you don’t get with consoles. No more is this true than with the new trailer for Back 4 Blood, which was captured entirely on PC and boasts some of the details and extra features that come with this port. Despite it only being a short trailer, it throws a lot of words our way to suggest that this version of the game is far superior.
Much of it is perhaps what many PC gamers would come to expect for a new triple-AAA title. The trailer mentions 4K resolutions and talks about support for Deep Learning Super Sampling, or DLSS, which is the current buzzword for gaming at the moment. For those who don’t know, DLSS is an image upscaling technology designed by Nvidia, which upscales from lower resolutions to higher resolutions to such an extent that it’s supposed to look like it runs higher resolutions natively.
One of the other things the Back 4 Blood trailer talks about is support for widescreen monitors, as well as cross-play, and multiple customization options. In general, the footage looks mighty impressive, as it has done in previous trailers. With the PC release, though, it looks as though it will be treated to a lot more graphical fidelity than the console versions, which is something that gamers have come to expect these days.
On top of that, the Back 4 Blood beta begins August 5th and runs until August 9th. This is largely exclusive to players who have pre-ordered the game, however, a press release does state that players can also register here for a chance to gain entry to the early access portion. Do note the word “chance,” as the developers themselves say that registration does not automatically guarantee access. Just bear that in mind.
Back 4 Blood will lauch on October 12th. You can check out the new PC trailer below.