Anxiety-themed platformer “Sym” now available on Steam


A 2D Platformer with a story about a man’s struggle with anxiety, presented entirely in a black & white art-style? Oh man, I can just smell the indie coming of this game.

Produced by Atrax Games, Sym may sound like a stereotypical platformer, but presents the players with a thought-provoking story. Caleb and Ammiel are both egos belonging to a man simply known as “Josh” who suffers from anxiety; one ego presents reality the way Josh experiences it, creating a busy and overwhelming world with dangerous obstacles, whereas the other lives in Josh’s mental retreat, which doesn’t seem to be much safer at all. Players switch between the two characters in order to complete the game’s 44 levels, after which they can create and share their own via the handy level editor.

It sounds like a cool concept and a free demo is available from the store page, so give this one a try if you’re into platformers.


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