Among the Sleep, a first person horror game in which you play as a small child, will be hitting Kickstarter sometime today. Krillbite Studio has told Destructoid that their Kickstarter’s fundraising goal will be $200,000, so that the team can focus entirely on the game, as they work part time jobs to support themselves and the project. If the funding goal is met, Among the Sleep is said to release by the end of the year. It’s not easy being indie it seems.
When I first heard of this game, the idea caught my attention immediately. Playing as an infant with a reduced stature puts the player in a vulnerable position, add unexplained horrors, and you’ve got a recipe for some frightening shit. It’s nice to see titles like this be made; it’s something different and refreshing.
I’ll update this post once the Kickstarter goes live. The Kickstarter is now live and donations can be made. It currently has 712 backers and has raised $18,637 out of it’s $200,000 goal.