Pure FPS is aiming to release Alone in the Dark: Illumination in November of this year. Via Joystiq, we have a bunch of new details on the game as well. The game will run on Unreal Engine 4 and will not be exclusively multiplayer. Instead of being told exclusively through cutscenes, the story will be delivered through play. This is shown in the class system. Though you will start the game as Edward Carnby’s descendent, the hunter, you will gradually unlock the other classes when you rescue them from the minions of Cthulhu. You can then play as them in singleplayer, though the multiplayer mode may not ship with the game, which is a bit odd as the game seems to be marketed primarily as a co-op game.
The maps and enemies will be randomized to keep the experience fresh, and doors that are locked one time you’re playing could be open the next. Every level has a pre-set ending location that must be reached: huge mechanized doors that take their sweet time to open. I can see these matches being particularly tense, provided that the light-based combat feels fluid and weighty. I guess we’ll know in November!