Alone in the Dark Illumination and Haunted House: Cryptic Graves now available for pre-order

We haven’t really heard a whole lot about Alone in the Dark: Illumination or Haunted House: Cryptic Graves.  Considering the games are releasing this year, this season, that’s a little…worrisome.  You could almost be forgiven for forgetting they were releasing this year at all.  There were some murmurings that the games were pushing for a November release, but judging by their respective Steam pages, you won’t know that.  Worried or not though, both games are now available for pre-order on Steam.  And with Steam’s Halloween sale, you get a nice discount!

Alone in the Dark: Illumintation – Eldritch Edition will come with a limited-edition character and weapons skins, as well as early access during the game’s beta launch.  The game still has the superbly vague release date of Fall 2014 unfortunately.  Alone in the Dark: Illumination – Eldtritch Edition will normally sell for $32.99, but is currently on sale for $29,69.  The regular edition will cost you $29.99.

Haunted House: Cryptic Graves will be receiving a 15% discount, bringing the normally $19.99 game down to $18.69.

There’s also a new pre-order trailer for Haunted House: Cryptic Graves that finally shows off some gameplay!  Take a look!

As for PC specs, these titles are both on the low end of the spectrum – you probably won’t need to worry about getting a new video card to run these, but you should check it out just in case.  The specs for both titles can be found at the games’ respective Steam pages.

Steam’s Halloween Sale runs until November 3.


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