Aliens: Colonial Marines receives update across platforms, probably too late

Gearbox Software’s Aliens: Colonial Marines released today to a massive shit storm of negative reviews and comments. Currently holding a 45/100 on Metacritic, Colonial Marines is no doubt going to go down in history as one of 2013’s biggest gaming disappointments. In development for about seven years, you would think that the game would at least be without glitches and bugs, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Add on top of that a terrible plot and writing, and you’ve got yet another Duke Nukem Forever–in development for several years only to release as a mess.

Welp, despite the rush of negative press today, Gearbox has released patches for each platform the game released on. The PlayStation 3, PC, and Xbox 360 versions of the game have received some fixes. Something tells me that it’s a little too late to fix this.


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