We are only about 6 short weeks away till Gearbox Software’s Aliens Colonial Marines hits retailers and digital distribution platforms this February. With it’s release looming on the horizon, Gearbox and Sega have seen fit to release a trailer giving further details on the game’s plot.
Probably the most interesting, and exciting thing to fans of the Alien franchise about the trailer is the returning characters. Opening with a shot of Cpl. Dwayne Hicks from the original Aliens film sending out a transmission of some sort giving a brief summary of what happened to all the Marines dispatched to LV426 in the movie. Later in the trailer, at the 49 secound mark we can see another familiar face in Bishop, the Marines android companion. Both returning characters are being voiced by the same actors that played them all the way back in 1986, with Michael Biehn returning as Hicks, and Lance Henriksen returning as Bishop respectively. It is curious to note, that both characters met rather gruesome fates during the events of Alien 3. With Hicks dying in the crash on Fury 161 at the beginning of the film, and Bishop requested to be disconnected and discarded because “he’ll never be top of the line again”. Though in Bishops case, the lookalike in the trailer is probably just another model of Bishop android.
![YouTube video](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rQTxxCnMWJw/hqdefault.jpg)
More to the point, the trailer confirms that game is in fact taking into account the events of Alien 3, despite some rumors and fan speculation that this game would retcon the events of that film. As in this trailer one of the new Marines questions why the Sulacco is in orbit around LV426 when it was last seen at Fury 161 in Alien 3.
The trailer sets up the story pretty well, giving players and Alien fans just enough to stay intrigued while not giving too much away. It’s an express elevator to hell, going down!