Alien Horror Game ‘The Hum’ Resumes Development

The Hum Game

Independent developer Ariel Arias’ ambitious alien abduction survival horror game (and potentially series) has resumed development after taking an extended hiatus.

Last we heard about Ariel’s passion project, he had put The Hum: Abductions on the shelf, citing personal health issues and difficulty completing the project by himself. Abductions was to be a separate project than The Hum proper for PC and PS4, but part of a planned universe of stories he concieved years ago. Ariel returns with good news; he’s back at it and actively prototyping for development for The Hum itself.

Ariel is still working on the game alone, but a change from Unreal Engine to Unity (which he states he is more professionally familiar with) will expedite development. His first devlog for The Hum return talks about his focus on alien AI and tests for procedural animations — things he feels will make the “Red Aliens” enemy type more intelligent and natural. It may be quite some time before we see the game reach release, but based on the promising concepts I’ve seen over the last few years, I hope The Hum makes some noise.

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