Remedy is back to talk more about their upcoming XBLA release, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, set to hit the Xbox Marketplace on February 22nd. This time, the Remedy crew sit down to talk about the mood and style of the game. The original Alan Wake tells the story of a writer who finds himself trapped in a nightmare in an idealistic small pacific northwest town. This time things get more of a gritty grindhouse/B-Horror Sci-Fi film vibe to everything, set in the fictional location of Night Springs (a loose Twilight Zone-styled show that exists in the Alan Wake universe, who Alan early on in his career wrote some episodes for). As in the last developer diary, be observant to notice a few devilish tweaks and activities going on around the set. You can watch the diary below:

We’ll bring you more on American Nightmare we near it’s release in less than two weeks.