Agony Spin-off ‘Succubus’ Announced


Madmind Studios has announced today Succubus, a spin-off to one of this year’s most controversial games, Agony.

The titular raspy-voiced sex demon is back with her own game after starring in an unlockable mode in Agony (and Agony Unrated). Succubus appears to take place after the events of Agony and tells a revenge story of sorts. Based on the trailer, that includes a lot of indiscriminate killing and titty fondling.

With the disappearance of the legitimate rulers of Hell, the remaining demons recognized Nimrod as their ruler, because he was the only soul who could dominate the mind of the mighty Beast. By raising his new empire from the corpses of sinners, the new king, along with his new queen Succubus, managed to control the chaos left by the former rulers.

Succubus is described as an action horror game that will feature various weapons and powers. A skill tree will be available and boss fights can be expected. The game does not yet have a release date but will be listed on Steam soon as an Adults Only title. Succubus is Madmind’s second post-Agony game announcement, with Paranoid being the first. After playing a bit of Agony Unrated, which is surprisingly a much better game than the original, I’m curious to see how Madmind’s future games are – gratuitous no doubt, but hopefully at least entertaining to play.

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