Afterfall: Insanity nearly 2 months away!

Afterfall:Insanity is set to be the first in a series of survival-horror role playing games. According to their Facebook page, it looks like it will be out on PC within the next two months. It says coming November 2011 (unknown if this is Us release date). As well as having a better idea when we can expect the game, its also clear that there have been major changes made to the actual game. There is quite obvious differences in game play that make the game look ten times better!

The president of Nicolas Intoxicate ( Also known as Nicolas Entertainment Group) Thomas Majka said that “The company has done much work in improving the look and feel of Afterfall: Insanity. And actually – at the conference CD Project game looked weak, the difference is visible.”


The new game play footage is below from a polish site Polygamia.

YouTube video



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