The DayZ developer blog isn’t updated as often as we’d like, but it’s certainly a welcome treat whenever it is. Today is one such a day, with plenty of new information and screenshots showcasing the new graphical improvements to the standalone version of DayZ.
The primary focus of this update is to summarize and go over the updates to the game’s engine. The visuals have been bolstered significantly for one, dramatically improved lighting and a volumetric cloud system look as if they’ll help improve the already fantastic atmosphere. They also went into significant detail on how the new engine work will help deal with and prevent the hacking that’s currently rampant in the Arma II mod version of DayZ. Stating that the new server structure will function similar to that of an MMO in that behavioural updates will be managed server side rather than on a client’s PC.
Clothing, weapon, and character customization also got some love this update. Players will now be able to find and put on clothes, but it comes at the risk of contracting diseases and infections. Weapon augmentation information is still being held close to the chest, but small things like actually having to manually load ammunition into magazines is a welcome addition. Finally there was a big emphasis on character customization, for one you’ll be able to actually customize your character’s gender and race from the get go. They’re even looking into adding ways for your character to change over time through your choices and interaction when playing.
Still no information on a release date, but the developers did announce that internal closed testing has begun. They’re also working with Valve to improve the server browsing experience, so there you have it, the DayZ standalone will utilize Steam rather than Gamespy for it’s client/server architecture.
There’s plenty more finer details in the blog update itself, so I suggest you check it out. Seeing the enthusiasm Dean “Rocket” Hall and his team continue to have for this game is so awesome, they are consistently working with and listening to the community. Personally, this is quickly turning into my most anticipated game of 2013, it’s going to be fantastic.
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