Resident Evil Remake Files


If you have changed your controller type to TYPE-B or to TYPE-C, please
keep in mind that the contents explained here correlates with controller

– How to view your STATUS SCREEN –

Press the Y Button during the game.
(You will not be able to view the STATUS SCREEN during Cut-Scenes or
while being attacked.)

In the STATUS SCREEN you’ll be able to do the following things.
– Equip Weapons
– Use items
– View maps
– Read files

– How to VIEW MAP –

In the STATUS SCREEN select MAP from the menu bar, or simply push the Z
Button during the game. If you have not obtained a map, only the places
you have explored will be displayed.

– How to READ MAPS –

uncolored room(s): Unexplored room(s).
orange room(s): Room(s) with still items left.
green room(s): Explored room(s) without any items left.

red door: Locked door.
white door: Unlocked door.
blue door: Door you’ve been through.

– How to PUSH THINGS –

When there is a movable object, face the object in the direction you
want to push it and press the Control Stick (+ Control Pad) in the
direction you are facing.


Walk up to an object that’s waist high of the character, and then press
the A Button. (You can climb on movable objects as well.) To CLIMB
DOWN from an object, press the A Button while standing on the edge of
the object.


In the STATUS SCREEN select the “weapon” you want armed, then select the
“EQUIP” command. (Even if you have a weapon you must EQUIP it in order
for you to attack.)


Hold down the R Button. (The player will take an attacking stance
towards the closest enemy.)

– How to ATTACK –

While holding down the R Button, press the A Button. (You can attack
the enemy with the weapon you have equipped.)


While pressing down the Control Stick (or the + Control Pad), press the
B Button. (This can also be done using the C Stick alone.)


From the STATUS SCREEN select an ITEM and then select the EXAMINE
command. (The details of the item will be displayed.)

– Emergency Evade –

Using DEFENSE ITEMS such as Daggers, will allow you to escape
momentarily when grabbed by an enemy. (However, you will not be able to
escape when the enemy grabs you from behind.)

To equip a DEFENSE ITEM, go to the STATUS SCREEN, and then select an
ITEM from the DEFENSE ITEM menu. Then select the EQUIP command.

If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to MANUAL in the Controller Settings,
you must press the L Button to use the DEFENSE ITEM.



It’s the film that belonged to Kenneth. I need a video player to see
what’s recorded on it.



The four masks,
a mask that speaks no evil…
a mask that smells no evil…
a mask that sees no evil…
a mask that cannot speak, smell, or see evil…

When all four fall into place,
evil will awaken



Nov. 24, 1967

Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I end up
like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and
said to me, “Sorry to put you through this, but it’s for security
reasons.” That’s when it hit me. It all makes sense now.

There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, Sir
Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only
person that knows the secret.

But for what purpose? It doesn’t matter now. It’s too dangerous here.
My family… I hope they are all right.

I’ve decided to escape… Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe.

Nov. 26, 1967

How could I be so careless? I lost my favorite lighter — the one
Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it’s going to be that much harder
to get out this dark place.

Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospitalized
just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they were going
to visit her. I wish I could be there with them.

But wait, even as I’m writing my memory is coming back to me more
vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats
said something like, “Most likely your family is already…” I pray for
their safety.

Nov. 27, 1967

Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this mansion
won’t be as easy. I have to get past all the booby-traps. Tiger eyes,
Gold Emblem… I have to try and remember for my own sake.

Nov. 29, 1967

I can’t get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but only to
be faced with the reality that I’m trapped.

I’ve been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled
with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves… What can I do?

At first I didn’t want to believe my eyes. But that familiar high-
heeled shoe in the corridor… It was like reflex. One name came to my
mind, Jessica!

I don’t want to believe they share the same fate as me.
No! I can’t give up hope. I have to hope they’re alive.

Nov. 30, 1967

I haven’t had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. I feel
like I’m going crazy.

Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this?
I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have
known better.

Nov. 31, 1967

It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But
even in the darkness something caught my eye.

Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was.

A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name!

“George Trevor”

At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew from
the beginning that I’d die here and I fell right into their trap.

But it’s too late now. I’m losing it. Everything is becoming so far
away. Jessica… Lisa… Forgive me.

Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn
conspiracy. Forgive me. May god justify my death in exchange for your

George Trevor

(There’s something handwritten. It’s not dated)

Nothing’s changed.
I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off
like this.

I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the
secret behind this painting.
Not even Sir Spencer.

Painting of a mansion… In the back of the art room.



Today Sir Spencer told me to hide something where no one could find it.

Well, I had this idea. I figured if I could somehow have it protected
by a dangerous animal like the vicious canine that lives here, no one
would be able to get near it!

As far as I can tell, the mutt is always hanging around the second floor
balcony on the west side of the terrace, and he ought to come running at
the sound of a dog whistle.

This is where you come in. The thing is, I reckon you’re the only
person that can get near that damn dog without risking a serious

Which means only you can put this collar on him. The object that Sir
Spencer wants hidden is concealed inside.

You’re the only person I can trust with this. Of course, you’ll get
something out of it as well. Remember that certain item that you’ve
always wanted to get hold of?

Well, in exchange for your services, I just might be able to get it for
you. This could work out well for both of us…

Jon Toleman



–Uses of Medicinal Herbs–

It is a well-known fact that there exist many plants that are credited
with medicinal healing powers. Since ancient times, mankind has been
healing wounds and diseases using various plants.

In this book, we will sample three herbs that are a native of the Arklay
Mountains and briefly outline each of their medicinal qualities. Each
herb has a distinct color and a distinct medicinal quality.

The green herb recovers physical strength. The blue herb neutralizes
natural toxins. However, the red herb has no real effect by itself. We
have found that mixing green and red herbs results in a magnified

We will outline the effects of red herbs when mixed with other herbs
when we have more data. Meanwhile feel free to experiment on your own,
for true knowledge is best acquired through own experience.



Special instructions when disposing dead bodies.

We have new information regarding those “beings”. They may appear to be
dead but in fact they are able to come back to life. However, there are
ways to prevent them from becoming active again.

Currently there are two known methods to cease their resurrection.


If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately.

Meanwhile to those of you who still have the will to live, oil has been
placed on the first floor of the mansion. Take as much as you need.

You’ll need something to light it with, which you’ll need to find by



May 9, 1998

Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and Steve from
Research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating.

May 10, 1998

One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. It
looks like a skinned gorilla. Feeding instructions were to give it live

When I threw in a pig, the creature seemed to play with it…tearing off
the pig’s legs and pulling out the guts before ti actually started

May 11, 1998

At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the shit out me, too. He
was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told me to
put it on. Said there’d been an accident in the basement lab.

I just knew something like this would happen. Those bastards in
Research never sleep, even on holiday.

May 12, 1998

I’ve been wearing the damn space suit since yesterday. My skin’s
getting grimy and feels itchy all over. The goddamn dogs have been
looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw ’em.

May 13, 1998

Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy.
They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn’t need to wear the suit
anymore. All I wanna do is sleep.

May 14, 1998

Found another big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up dragging
my foot all the way to the dog’s pen. They were quiet all day, which is

Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way of
getting back at me for not feeding them the last three days. If anybody
finds out, I’ll have my head handed to me.

May 16, 1998

Rumours going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate
last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I’m
sweating all the time now.

I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just
dropped off. What the hell’s happening to me?

May 19, 1998

Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food.

May 21, 1998

Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

4 / / Itchy. Tasty.



(There is a letter.)

June 3, 1998
My dearest Alma.

Let me first apologize for not being able to call you. A man wearing
sunglasses didn’t permit any phone calls. Sorry Alma.

I sit here trying to think of where to begin, of how to explain in a few
simple words all that’s happened in my life since we last spoke, and
already I fail.

I hope this letter finds you well, and that you’ll forgive the tangents
of my pen; this isn’t easy for me.

Even as I write, I can feel the simplest of concepts slipping away, lost
to feelings of despair and confusion — but I have to tell you what’s in
my heart before I can rest. Alma, please believe that what I’m telling
you is the truth.

The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and time is short,
so accept these things as fact: last month there was an accident in the
lab and the virus we were studying leaked.

All my colleagues who were infected are dead or dying, and the nature of
the disease is such that those still living have lost their senses.
This virus robs its victims of their humanity, forcing them in their
sickness to seek out and destroy life.

Even as I write these words, I can hear them, pressing against my door
like mindless, hungry animals.

Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again. But my efforts
only delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for
what will follow — except to end my life before I lose the only thing
that separates me from them.

My love for you.

In an hour I’ll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace.
Please understand. Please know that I’m sorry.

Martin Crackhorn



Attn: Chief of Security
Date: July 22, 1998 2:13

X Day is drawing upon us. Execute the following procedures within one
week. Prompt actions are demanded.

1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain B.O.W.’s raw combat data
against S.T.A.R.S.

2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimens as samples, excluding
the Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant.

3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Laboratory including all
personnel and test animals. Disguise their deaths as an accident.
When the above procedures are executed, report to headquarters for
further instructions.

If for some reason you are unable to execute the procedure by the
deadline, report immediately. In case of emergency situations, report
directly to the extension number 5691.

Good luck.
Umbrella Headquarters.
Umbrella Inc.



June 22, 1998

I had to do it. We ran from those things — helping each other to
survive. But Robert started to show the symptoms. I had to do it.
Those damn things are pure evil.

There was no other way. He would have done the same if it were the
other way around. After I put him out of his misery I had to just leave
him in the bathroom. Now I’m probably the last one…

How could this happen? I’ll never forgive myself for being part of this
project. Eventually I’ll get what’s coming to me, though. There’s no
way to escape from this nut house. It’s just a matter of time now.

Everything is set. All I need is a little courage to get it done.
Knowing that I’ll leave many things undone is regret beyond words.

But, this is better than just waiting to turn into one of them. Please
understand and at least let me end my life as a person.

(There’s a message on the back.)

Linda, please forgive me…



Four days have passed since the accident. The plant at Point 42 is
growing at an amazing rate.

Although there are many unknown aspects about this plant, we know that
in comparison with the other group of plants, the T-Virus has had a
substantially stronger affect on this one.

The T-Virus has drastically morphed its host’s anatomy as well as its
size. Looking at its current state, it’s difficult to imagine its
original appearance. Nowhere on Earth will you find anything like it.

We’ve also found that PLANT 42 has two main sources of acquiring its
necessary nutrients. One source is through its root. Somehow it has
rooted itself down into the basement.

Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and destroyed the
Aqua Ring. Ever since, the basement has been like a pool. There is a
high possibility that it’s one of the chemicals in the water that’s
promoting the PLANT 42’s rapid growth.

However, we have yet to determine the specific chemical.

A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has been sighted hanging from the
ceiling of the first floor. We are sure that it used the air ducts to
reach the first floor. Numerous long tentacle-like vines are protruding
from the bulb.

We believe the vines are the second means of acquiring its nutrients.
When the PLANT 42 sense prey, it uses the tentacle-like vines to capture
its prey. After doing so, suckers on the vine drain the prey of its

We’ve also noticed that it has some intelligence. When it captures its
prey or when it’s inactive, the vines twine around the door to stop
possible intruders.

Unfortunately, several of our scientists have already fallen victim to
this PLANT 42. When we heard the stories from the survivors, they all
observed one thing in common:

When the uniform petal-like flaps open and reveal its vital internals,
it has a tendency to become more aggressive.

One witness reported that it was as if it was trying to protect itself.
Why it behaves the way it does is still unknown.

May 21, 1998
Henry Sarton



The similarities in the cellular characteristics of the rapidly growing
plant infected by the Tyrant Virus have been reported in previous
papers. However, while repeating these experiments, an interesting new
fact became clear.

We learned that a chemical in the UMB family, UMB No. 20, contains a
compound that is toxic to the cells of the plant.

We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: V-JOLT. If calculations prove
correct, when V-JOLT is applied directly to the root of the plant, the
entire plant should be dead within 5 seconds.

The V-JOLT can be made by simply mixing the VP and UMB chemicals in a
specific ratio. However, extra care must be taken when handling these
UMB chemicals. They have been known to generate toxic gases if

The characteristics of each UMB chemical are as follows:

UMB No. 3 red
Yellow-6 yellow
UMB No. 7 green
UMB No. 10 orange
VP-017 blue
V-JOLT dark brown



(There’s something written on the back.)

Nov. 10, 1967
– Progenitor virus administered

Administered virus: Type-A
Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation

Virus fusion: Negative

Action: Disposed

Administered virus: Type-B
Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation

Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion.

Body modification: Observed constant results.

Status: Continue protective observation.

Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967)

(There’s a journal left by someone.)

Nov. 14, 1967

I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don’t see Mom. Where did
they take her?
She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and
leave me behind?

Nov. 15, 1967

I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy.

But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside.

Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother.

I got Mom’s face back.
Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she
doesn’t go away.
Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face.

Nov. 17, 19 7

from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there.
stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way.
can’t see mother becuz 4 stones.


dadddy atached first
momm atached scond

iNside reD and sLimy
whiTe and haRd

not true moM wheRe

dunno dadd
found mum again

whne atachd momMy
she moved no more
she screaming

Jst want to b with her



I mis yuo



This is the photograph that fell out of Barry’s shirt right before he
fell into the pit.

(There is something written on the back.)

We love you daddy
From your sweet daughters,
Moira and Polly



June 8th, 1998
My dearest Ada.

By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the person you
once knew. The results of my test came out today, and as I suspected,
it came out positive.

I feel like I am teetering on the edge of reason just thinking about my
impending doom. I would give anything not to have to become one of

As far as I know, you are not infected. I sincerely hope things do not
reach such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you are now
the last person remaining alive, I want you to get the material from the
Visual Data Room.

Then, activate the Self-Destruct System in the Power Room, and escape
from here. Please do everything in your power to make this whole
accident public.

If everything is still running normally, you should be able to release
all the locks using the Security System.

I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you can
log in to the system using my name and your name as the password.

You will need another password to release the lock of the door in
Basement Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located.

As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-ray picture; a
roentgenogram. I know you, and I’m sure you will be able to work it out
without any trouble.

There is just one more thing… and it is my last request. I hope you
never have to lay eyes on me in this state, but if you do happen to run
into me in my hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery. I
hope you understand.

Thank you, Ada.
Yours truly.




There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body
goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes active
and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition of the

The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V-

Its speed and amazing muscular development are particularly noteworthy.
After transformation, it becomes more agile and aggressive.

Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it,
turning the place into an instant blood bath. (Ever since this tragic
and barbaric accident, we have decided to call its kind “Crimson Heads”)

That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can’t be left there. We
have to figure out a way to deal with it. Termination is definitely not
an option.

We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body inside
the basement of the backyard cemetery.



To: Sanitation Division
Attn: Manager of Sanitation
From: Racoon Disaster Contingency Committee

The contents of this fax are confidential and intended for the named
addressee only. Any copying, or disclosure of the contents of this fax
to any third party is strictly forbidden by the sender.

After reading the contents of this fax, must be destroyed immediately.

We expect significant increase in the damage done by the recent T-Virus’
outbreak than initially estimated. There are several concerns.

First concern
More than half of the researchers have been infected by the T-Virus and
died. It has also been reported that almost all of the survivors of
this accident are starting to show symptoms of the T-Virus infection.

Second concern
Our Secret Security Patrol Team has also been completely eradicated.
Therefore, our most secret research is in danger of public disclosure.
Quick actions are demanded to prevent mass media coverage.

Third concern
There is a high possibility that most of the specimens are running loose
inside the compound. We expect many casualties to follow.

However yet unfortunate, these casualties underscore the success of our
research results. Actions must be taken to prevent our research results
from being made public.

We suspect the first official intervention will come from the State
Police and S.T.A.R.S. We strongly recommend taking measures against
them first.




Heliport/ For executive use only. This restriction does not apply in
the event of an emergency.


Passage to Heliport/ Entry is prohibited unless accompanied by a
Consultant Researcher or the Chief of Security. Unauthorized persons
entering the heliport will be shot on site.

Elevator/ The elevator stops during emergencies.


Visual Data Room/ For use by the Special Research Division only. All
other access to the Visual Data Room must be cleared with Keith Arving.
Room Manager.


Prison/ Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison. At least
one Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present
if viral use is authorized.

Triple Lock Door/ Entry into the room is limited to the sole person who
deactivates the lock with all of the Pass Codes. Accessing the
exclusive Output Terminals located in each section of the Senior
Researchers deactivates the lock.

Power Room/ In this room nitro compound is used as the primary fuel
source of power. Access is limited to Headquarters Supervisors. This
restriction may not apply to Consultant Researchers with special

Pass Code Output Terminals/ Use and access of the Output Terminals is
limited to authorized Senior Researchers.


Regarding the progress of “Tyrant” after the administration of T-

(Illegible hereafter…)



The discovery of the G-Virus was in fact 21 years after the
administration of the primogenitor virus.

The “Prototype Parasite” which we had delivered from a laboratory in
France was administered to the sample specimen. The sample specimen
took in the parasite without showing any signs of adverse reaction.

The lack of any reaction was an unsolved mystery. But now everything is
clear to me.

The “Prototype Parasite” was incubating in the sample specimen’s body
for 21 years. Then from that incubating state the prototype suddenly
mutated. (“Evolved” may be a more appropriate word to describe it.)

This observation gave me more insight in my research. Through further
modification and testing, I was able to derive a method to create the
“G” that surpasses the performance of the “T”.

This was the breakthrough that would change the future of the B.O.W.’s

I can’t wait to see the look on Alexia’s annoying face when I finally
announce my research. But unfortunately I’ll have to wait a few more
years to completely verify my findings.

William Birkin

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